22 October, 2016

How to make Plural in English

How to make Plural in English
Regular Plural
nouns + s
(regular plural)
bag             =       bags
cup            =       cups
student     =  students
house        =      houses
email           =      emails
god             =       gods
nouns ending with …x/ch/sh/s/ss/z/zz  +  es
(regular plural)
box             =       boxes
bench        =    benches
dish            =       dishes
bus             =       buses
class          =     classes
whiz(z)       =    whizzes
buzz           =      buzzes
epoch        =      epochs
stomach    = stomachs
nouns ending with …o  +  es
(regular plural)
(Most of the nouns ending with 'o' takes 'es' to form plural) 
buffalo       =  buffaloes
echo           =   echoes
hero           =       heroes
potato        =   potatoes
tomato       = tomatoes
potato        =   potatoes
domino      = dominoes
mango       =  mangoes
Rule:4        nouns
ending with …o  +  s
(regular plural)
(though, there are many nouns ending with 'o' which take only 's' to form plural)
studio         =     studios
zoo             =       zoos
auto            =       autos
piano          =       pianos
photo          =    photos
kilo             =       kilos
memo         =    memos
(If there is a vowel sound before 'o', it always takes only 's' to form plural)
nouns ending with …o  +  s/es    
(regular plural)
(some nouns ending with 'o' take both 's & es' to form plural)
zero            =       zeros/zeroes
cargo          =    cargos/cargoes
nouns ending with …consonant + y = ies
(regular plural)
baby           =       babies
lady            =       ladies
fly               =       flies
story           =      stories
daisy          =      daisies
nouns ending with …vowel + y = s 
(regular plural)
day             =       days
boy             =       boys
toy              =       toys
key             =       keys
play            =       plays
essay         =      essays
valley          =      valleys
chimney     = chimneys
nouns ending with …f/fe = ves 
(regular plural)
wife            =       wives
knife           =       knives
wolf            =      wolves
self             =       selves
loaf             =       loaves
life              =       lives
thief            =      thieves
scarf           =    scarves
cliff             =       cliffs
roof            =       roofs
belief          =       beliefs
chief           =       chiefs

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