Even If The Phone Is Locked, Your Emergency Contact Number Will Be Displayed
Gadget desk: More than 70% of smartphone users who have their phones locked, these people are afraid that any data from the phone will not be stolen. However, due to this fear your phone never unlocks during the emergency. Imagine that you may be in trouble when your phone gets lost or your accident happened. Here we are showing you a trick that someone can dial the emergency contact number even though the phone is locked during an emergency event.
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#WarseSpace was a virus message …
A message connected to the phone has become viral on WhatsApp. This
#WarseSpace was a virus message …
A message connected to the phone has become viral on WhatsApp. This
Gadget desk: More than 70% of smartphone users who have their phones locked, these people are afraid that any data from the phone will not be stolen. However, due to this fear your phone never unlocks during the emergency. Imagine that you may be in trouble when your phone gets lost or your accident happened. Here we are showing you a trick that someone can dial the emergency contact number even though the phone is locked during an emergency event.
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